I live to travel. I travel to live.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Tet Pictures!

So I've found out that Blogspot addresses are not available in Vietnam. Stupid communist countries. But apparently sometimes they work and so sometimes I can post.

So since I am BACK in Saigon again after a two week trip through the central highlands and to the coast with my moto, Penelope, I figured I would upload some more photos for your viewing pleasure. To follow in the next few days will be a synopsis of my time in Vietnam since Saigon.

Enjoy these pictures of my adventure with a snake on Tet:

A couple of charmers. Snake charmers. Or maybe snake harmers? See below.

What a great holiday! The woman is Natasha's sister, she was great and wanted us to come back. Eduard is the Spanish couchsufer next to me.

And there it is folks. That is a newly decapitated snake's blood being drained into a glass.

As you can see, I kept my cool and wasn't freaked out by the show at all.

I just like this picture of the guy holding the snake.

Mmmmm. A frothy, warm, snake blood wine cooler. My favorite on a sweltering SE Asian holiday!

Just to prove I'm not all talk.

And then there was some gutting and harvesting of organs.

Not everyone was into it as much as we were. Here is Amy, with her mom, our host, Natasha.

Yes. That is the cobra's still beating heart. At least my mom knows I'm eating healthy!

Snake meat. Tastes like chewy chicken! It is quite nice.

I guess you can say I liked it.

After lunch the family, some friends, and we went on a boat ride.

And... bumper cars? Yes bumper cars. I don't know why either.


Anonymous said...

dude. youre crazy. im jealous. u have a bike. with a motor. in vietnam. just driving around enjoying yourself while i work 60 hour weeks. keep up the good work. ill email you soon with more updated info on my life. keep on keepin on. have fun. good job posting pics. i like them.

Anonymous said...

dude, that's like indiana jones/survivor/lost stuff right there

you're going to come back with super-human strength, i know it

oh yeah, the bumper cars are uber awesome

Anonymous said...

you're basically just living huge in asia for yourself. so just so you know, that means that you need to post videos of you ghostriding a rickshaw and racing asia. let me know if you win any races.